Our Services


Most are familiar with the Dental checkup visit. The Dentist will take and then check the X-rays. He will evaluated your teeth for any signs of decay, also checking your gums for changes, and checking for any signs of Oral Cancer or other diseases that may cause issues with your Oral health.

From time to time, however, he will do a more thorough exam. This exam is called a COE (Complete Oral Exam). This exam is a thorough look at your entire mouth, head and neck area. He will also ask about your Medical history, and any Medications that you may be taking.

A COE will be done at your first Dental visit. The Dentist will want to become more familiar with your Health and all your Dental needs. This will allow him to notice any changes and or problems that may occur during future visits.


Advanced Oral Cancer screening using Velscope@


Dental whitening can be used to correct tooth discoloration. Discolorations can be caused by aging, staining, such as coffee/tea, smoking, alcohol, or even chemical damage to teeth. Our office uses the latest in Whitening technology. We can offer a safe method for creating a beautiful and health smile.

Panorex X-rays

Panorex X-rays


Bridges + Crowns-A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that fits over a damaged tooth. It’s used to strengthen and rebuild a damaged tooth.

Root Canal Therapy-Root canal treatment repairs and saves any damaged or infected teeth.

Fillings-Tooth structure can be missing due to decay, deterioration of a previously placed restoration, or fracture of a tooth.


Cosmetic Dentistry

Composite Resin fillings / Veneers- Veneers are not only used to fix cavities or broken teeth but can also be used to improve the look of healthy teeth. Veneers are very thin shells that are attached to the front part of teeth. They are often made of porcelain or composite resin. Porcelain veneers are stronger than composite resin veneers and do not change colour or stain.


Dental Implants-Dental implants are designed from Titanium posts. They are surgically secured into the jawbone. A Dental crown is then attached to the post, which will now act as your new natural-looking tooth. For more information, give us a call for a Consultation.



Orthodontic appliances can be made of Metal, Ceramic, or Plastic. They may be removable or they may have brackets bonded to the teeth. Our Orthodontist will provide you with all of the information you need to know before, during, and after Orthodontic treatment. We have Orthodontic options that work for all ages. We also have payment plan options for all of our Patients. Give us a call today to book your Consultation with our Orthodontist.


Porcelain ceramic bridge for lower anteriors